Sit, sit. Walk, walk. Don't wobble.

If you sit, just sit. If you walk, just walk; but whatever you do, don’t wobble.

— Zen proverb

We speak to people while checking our email.

We look at our laptop during meetings.

We check social media while having a meal.

The pressure of modern life and the constant flow of information around us has stolen our ability to focus, and the need to attend to multiple things at once is creating a generation of zombie multi-taskers who are losing their ability to just sit and be present.

Just sitting often feels uncomfortable, and so does just walking; so we wobble, which is neither sitting nor walking.

Our attention is being pulled in every possible direction, it has become today’s hottest commodity. We need to be aware of when we lose focus, and when we start multitasking. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing well; every task deserves our full attention, and we need to notice when we’re not giving it.

When you sit, just sit.

When you walk, make waking the thing.

When you are talking to someone, be present.

Resist the temptation of drifting away from what you are doing to give your attention to something else.

Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.

— Albert Einstein
